Latest Game News Here! Press Any Key Games Podcast

Hi!  I had so much fun with the Geeks World Wide Year in Review podcast that I'll now be appearing semi-regularly on the Press Any Key Games Podcast!  If you don't have a chance to catch up on your daily or weekly game news or just want to get a perspective on what others find important, take a listen to the podcast or watch the livestream at the following places:

When we're livestreaming, it'll be on Twitch:

If you want to listen, there's GWW Radio on SoundCloud:

Or you can subscribe through iTunes:

Videos are posted on the GWW Web site:

Finally, if you want to subscribe on YouTube, there's the Geeks World Wide channel 

Show Notes (if you want to check out some of the news stories yourself)

PSA: Amazon Prime gives 20 percent discount on new/pre-release games. (
HTC says Vive preorders to start on February 29, with shipping in April. (
VR sticker shock: How Oculus failed to prepare the world for a $599 Rift. (
Will Supreme Court tackle 1st Amendment issue in Madden NFL litigation? (
Major piracy group warns games may be crack-proof in two years. (
Analyst thinks the Nintendo NX will ‘cannibalize’ 3DS and Wii U sales. (
2015 was the Japanese games industry’s worst year on record. (
Norwegian high school puts e-sports and gaming on the timetable. (
Sony tried to trademark ‘Let’s Play’. (   
“I am not a terrorist”: Muslim man barred from playing Paragon beta. (
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