The Return of the GDAM Podcast

If you did not know, Game Design Aspect of the Month (GDAM) started in 2009 as an initiative of the nascent IGDA Game Design SIG.  Topics were submitted and voted upon each month and then the entire month was devoted to that one game design topic.  The reasoning behind this was to encourage responses from the community to each other's articles and to really delve into a game design topic seriously.  In addition, each topic was accompanied by a podcast, whereby members of the community would get together and discuss the topic.

GDAM Podcasts are available for the following topics:

July 2009: Mature Games
August 2009: Single-Play Sessions
September 2009: Gaming The Game Developers (Part 1), Gaming the Game Developers (Part 2)

Although the production quality was low, the podcasts were popular.  However, handling the organization of a podcast each month was too much for me to handle on my own.  If anyone would like to help out in this endeavor, please let me know.  I would like to get this started up again, in some fashion or other.  It probably will not be on a monthly basis, though!

As you have probably noticed, though GDAM has maintained its original name, the monthly focus is no longer.  I still welcome articles and topic suggestions from the community but there is no longer the monthly poll.  However, I'd like to put up this poll as to what would be the topic of the next podcast.  Please look to the right to put in your vote!  

Your choices are: Leveling, Copycat Games, Forces of Nature, and No More War Games?

300 x 250

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